Internet Search ActiveX 1.0


Query multiple search engines simultaneously and any internet searchable source , right from your Windows application, with ISA 1.0 . The control has a lot of predefined, well known internet search engines and provides a simple way to add engine without any programming. A package that available for download, contains comprehensive examples how to use it in several programming languages. 

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 Recomended strategy
 Steps to define new search engine 
 SearchEngines ActiveX control  
     Properties and collections    

SearchResult Object
SearchEngine Object

SearchEngines collection

SearchEnginesObject Object


Recomended strategy

There are 2 ways to ask ISA to do something for You. First one is to invoke some method that returns results synchronically as soon as it's done or second that takes the parameters of your search and performs search in background, just raising OnSearchDone event when its done to let You use the results. First way is good for ASP pages or any processes that run in background anyway and second is for usual user interface programming. For first case is recommended to use SearchEnginesObject and for second is SearchEngines control.

Steps to define new search Engine

Step 1.
Include SearchEngine ActiveX control in your Visual Basic Form and using right button of your mouse invoke 'Properties' as shown on snapshot below 

Step 2
Click 'Define engine' button on properties tab. 'Search engine properties' dialog will appear.

Step 3
Fill up appropriate fields using 'Search engine properties' dialog .
Name of search engine Any search engine that You define  suppose to have short and understandable name. Because this name will be used as a key to find the engine , it's strongly recommended not to use spaces or special characters. For example 'MyEngine' is a good name but 'My Engine' or 'My-Engine' are not.
Start URL
The start URL is used for opening working session with target web site ,if required, before doing any search. The good example of such need is login action. For example if You have username and password for employment web site , You should login ,provide that URL for this field and mark 'Go there in the beginning's checkbox. If You don't need open the session , anyway it's good idea to provide some URL that leads to main page. For example for 'Yahoo' should be defined ''
Please use button ... to navigate there and select it without typing.
URL of search results (first page) The URL address of the first page of search results can be different from the second and other pages. Please use button ... to navigate there.
Please use button ... to navigate there and select it without typing.
URL of second page Please use button ... to navigate there and select it without typing.
Maximum results A lot of search engines are showing off telling You on search results page something like 'Results 1 - 10 of about 32,000,000. '  They don't tell You that if You need all of 32000000 You CAN'T have it. After 10th or 20th page the engine will refuse to continue. You should investigate your engine and provide a maximum number of search results available.
Name parameter of key word 
The URL above brings search results from 'onesearch' using 'car' as the search word. Which variable in that URL is equal to 'car'? Of course q .
Please use ... button to do it without typing.
Name parameter of page number's the structural difference between 2 URLS above? First URL uses page numbers to list results (parameter p) while second one uses number of result to start from , to display second result page. If your search engine uses pages You should specify parameter name and mark 'use number page' checkbox.  
Name parameter of begin number
What's the structural difference between 2 URLS above? First URL uses page numbers to list results (parameter p) while second one uses number of result to start from , to display second result page. If your search engine uses number of result to start from , You should specify name of the parameter. (in our example it's 'start' for second URL)
Name parameter of end number
Please take a look how well known provider defines its second page of search results. It declares not only number result to start from but number result to finish the display. If your engine has it please provide it here.
Number results per page Any page of search results has a number results on the page. Just count them and enter the number here.
Parser definition To have a data instead of HTML page our ActiveX control needs a parser. The description of how to define the parser is below this table.
Category It's easier to browse engines when they're categorised. If the category does not exist yet please select 'All' . You can define category and edit the engine later. 

Some search engines use quit complex methods to define next page.In that case You can define your own JScript function that gets URLobj and number of the next page as parameters and uses some algorithm to define URL of the next page. 

To create a parser You should create 1 record , select all records using button 'Select all rows using pattern of tags' , preview results using button 'Preview' and if You satisfied ,to press button 'Save and exit'.
To create one record You should select tag or tags that contain one ,and only one, search result. Using HTML tree from the left You can see what the meaning (content) of the tag. Please pay attention that in most cases this is one tag only. 
If some unwanted information appear on preview , You can try redefine parser using other HTML tags or using button '%' increase/decrease required likeness of the records between each other.

Sometimes search results have a complicated structure . Just to have text or URL is not enough. The columns (or fields) are designed to parse the records itself extracting required parts from the search result.

SearchEngines ActiveX control

The control provides the interfaces for querying Internet search engines , parsing results and adding any searchable source to the list of the engines. To add the control to your VB project please select LNSearchEngines library as shown on the picture below

On your component tab an icon of the control will appear as show

After You added the control to the form, next required step is to select engines that will be involved in the search. At design time You can do it using custom interface of the control or at the run time You can add it using AddEngine method in ActiveEngines collection , for example SearchEnginesCTRL1.ActiveEngines.AddEngine "Yahoo"  adds to the list . Now your project is ready to use the control.


StartSearch method


 res = object.StartSearch(searchWords, NumerResultsPerPage)


searchWords Optional. String that specifies one or several key words for the search query. By default will be used words that specified within definition of search engine  
NumerResultsPerPage   Optional. Number that defines how many records . 

Return Value

Returns True if a search started , false otherwise


This method starts Internet search that will be completed by raising OnSearchDone event. 

StopAll method




RaiseOnSearchDoneEvent Optional. Boolean that tells the control to raise or not OnSearchDone event. By default is True.  

Return Value

Doesn't return any value


This method stops any search operations and release all object involved in the search. The boolean parameter should be False if the method called when windows application is being destroying , otherwise
True is recommended. 





readOnly Optional. Boolean that tells the control that User can't edit search engines definitions. By default is False.  

Return Value

Doesn't return any value


This method shows User Interface window that provides ability to Add/Remove engines for the current search.


Clear method



Return Value

Doesn't return any value


The method clears search results and sets AllResults.Count property to 0 


ApplicationIDExists method




AppID Required. String that uniquely identifies your application on local computer.  

Return Value

Boolean, True if application ID exists on local computer , False otherwise.


LoadEnginesByApplicationID method


object.LoadEnginesByApplicationID (AppID)


AppID Required. String that uniquely identifies your application on local computer.  

Return Value

Doesn't return any value


This method loads list of selected engines from the disk. The List can be saved using SaveListByAPPID method. If the application ID does not exist the exception will be thrown.

SaveListByAPPID method




AppID Required. String that uniquely identifies your application on local computer.  

Return Value

Doesn't return any value


This method saves list of selected engines to the disk. The List can be loaded using LoadEnginesByApplicationID method

Properties and collections 

ApplicationID property


 object .ApplicationID

Return Value

Sets and returns string that identify windows application on local computer. Can be used to save/load list of engines across different applications.  

busy  property


 res = object .busy

Return Value

Read only . Returns True if a search in progress, false otherwise


Use this property to verify the status of the control


UpdateURL property



Return Value

Sets and returns string that specify URL for the update procedure.


UpdateDays and UpdateURL properties define source(URL) and frequency for build-in automatic update process of the control. Every UpdateDays days process will start , download update file from UpdateURL , add new engines if any , update engines with the identical names , but will never delete any engine on local computer.


UpdateDays property



Return Value

Sets and returns number days between starting an update procedure. If -1 the update never starts.


UpdateDays and UpdateURL properties define source(URL) and frequency for build-in automatic update process of the control. Every UpdateDays days process will start , download update file from UpdateURL , add new engines if any , update engines with the identical names , but will never delete any engine on local computer.

ActiveEngines collection



Return Value

Sets and returns reference to collection of SearchEnegine objects.


The collection is 1 based and indexed by engine's name. It has the same methods and properties as any VB collection - item , count , add. This is an VB example how to access to SearchEngine object

set myObj=SearchEnginesCTRL1.ActiveEngines.item("Yahoo")

AllResults collection



Return Value

Sets and returns reference to collection of SearchResult objects.


The collection is 1 based and not indexed. It has the same methods and properties as any VB collection - item , count , add. This is an VB example how to access to SearchResult object

set myObj=SearchEnginesCTRL1.AllResults.item(1) 



OnSearchDone event




Occurs when all search engines completed their work. The property busy switches to False and the results of the search available via AllResults collection. 

OnPageDone event


object_OnPageDone(ByVal NewResults As Object, ByVal pDisp As Object, ByVal URL As String, ByVal EngineName As String)


NewResults Collection of SearchResult objects that extracted from the one page of the search results.
pDisp Object that specifies the top-level or frame WebBrowser object corresponding to the event. For more information please check out MSDN documentation.
URL String that specifies the URL, Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file name, or pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) of the loaded document.
EngineName String that specifies the name of search engine.


This event occurs when new page of the search results has been downloaded and parsed. Instead of waiting till all the engines will complete their work, user can use the results of the fastest search engine.

dim sRes as SearchResult
dim ii as Long
for ii=1 to NewResults.count
     set sRes = NewResults.item(ii)
     List1.AddItem sRes.URLS(1)     'adds to listbox first URL of search result
     List1.AddItem sRes.FullText     'adds to listbox text of search result
     List.AddItem " "                    'adds space to listbox for better view

OnProgress event


object_OnProgress(ByVal status As String)


status String that describes status of currently working search engine.  


The event occurs when status of any working search engines is changed.


SearchResult object

This object hosts the information about one search result. The following members are available

Fields collection


 object.Fields.item(byval index as variant)

Return Value

Sets and returns reference to collection of strings where each of them is a column(field) extracted from the search result. All columns(fields) should be predefined with parser creation procedure. The collection has standard methods Add , Item,Remove,Count 


This is an VB example how use the collection. The example supposes that field 'Price' was defined when the parser was created.

dim sRes as SearchResult
for each sRes in SearchEnginesCTRL1.AllResults
   List1.AddItem sRes.Fields("Price")        'adds price to the listBox
   List1.AddItem sRes.Fields(3)               ' the same by number

FullText property



Return Value

Sets and returns string that contains full text of the search result 


This is an VB example how use the property

dim sRes as SearchResult
for each sRes in SearchEnginesCTRL1.AllResults
   List1.AddItem sRes.FullText        'adds text to the listBox

URLS collection



Return Value

Sets and returns reference to collection of strings where each of them is URL extracted from the search result. The collection has standard methods Add , Item,Remove,Count 


The collection is 1 based and not indexed. This is an VB example how use the collection 

dim sRes as SearchResult
dim URL as string
dim ii as Long
for each sRes in SearchEnginesCTRL1.AllResults
    for ii= 1 to sRes.URLS.Count
       URL = sRes.URLS.Item(ii)    'now variable URL has a value.

HTMLObjects collection



Return Value

Sets and returns reference to collection of HTML elements where each of them is HTML object extracted from the search result. This collection is available only when OnPageDone event occurs and after this event will be cleared. The references to HTML objects shouldn't be stored in client application. The collection has standard methods Add , Item,Remove,Count 


The collection is 1 based and not indexed. For more information about properties and methods of HTML object please look at Microsoft documentation. This is an VB example how use the collection 

dim sRes as SearchResult
dim htmlObj as Object
dim htmlCollection as Object
dim ii as Long
dim i as Long
for each sRes in NewResults
    for ii= 1 to sRes.HTMLObjects.Count
       Set htmlObj = sRes.HTMLObjects.Item(ii) < BR>
       Set htmlCollection =  htmlObj.all.tags("A")  'extracts all "A" tags if any
       for i=0 to htmlCollection.length                'html collection is 0 based
             List1.AddItem htmlCollection(i).hostname

SearchEngine object

This object hosts the technical information about search engine. The following members are available

Name property



Return Value

Sets and returns string that contains name of the engine 


This is an VB example how use the property

dim Eng as SearchEngine
for each Eng in SearchEnginesCTRL1.ActiveEngines
   List1.AddItem Eng.NameEngine        'adds name to the listBox

OptionsURL property



Return Value

Sets and returns string that contains options URL of the engine. The address used for the search engines that require log in before search operations  


StartURL property



Return Value

Sets and returns string that contains address of the first page results of the engine. The address's used for the search engines that have different format to retrieve first and all next pages.  

SecondpageURL property



Return Value

Sets and returns string that contains address of the second page results of the engine. The address's used for the search engines that have different format to retrieve first and all next pages

SearchEngines collection

This collection holds SearchEngine object and besides standard Add,Remove,Item,Count methods has the following member



Set Eng = object.AddEngine(NameEngine)


NameEngine String that identifies engine. The definition of the engine should be pre created , otherwise exception will occur.

Return Value

Returns reference to the new SearchEngine Object

SearchEnginesCTRL1.ActiveEngines.AddEngine "Yahoo"
SearchEnginesCTRL1.StartSearch "xml", 50

SearchEnginesObject Object

This object provides all required methods to perform search synchronously. The intended use of the object is ASP pages and other background processes. The object exposes 2 methods

AddEngine method


Set Eng = object.AddEngine(NameEngine)


NameEngine String that identifies engine. The definition of the engine should be pre created , otherwise exception will occur.


StartSearch method


 Set sRes = object.StartSearch(searchWords, NumerResultsPerPage,NumberResultsThatEnough) 


searchWords Optional. String that specifies one or several key words for the search query. By default will be used words that specified within definition of search engine  
NumerResultsPerPage   Optional. Number that defines how many records suppose to be returned by every search engine . 
NumberResultsThatEnough   Optional. Number that defines how many records is enough for this search . 

Return Value

Returns reference to collection of SearchResult objects

This method starts Internet search and waits till all the searches will be completed or number results is more then specified maximum. ASP example
<% Dim r,s,sr
set s = Server.CreateObject("LNSearchEngines.SearchEnginesObject")
s.AddEngine "Yahoo"
Set r = s.StartSearch("xml", 250, 50)   'pay attention , the search will be 
 for each sr in r                                'done when 50 results retreived
 Response.Write "URL = " & sr.URLS(1) & "<BR>" & sr.FullText & "<BR><BR>" 
Set s = Nothing

Set r = Nothing
Set sr = Nothing
%>< BR >

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